Yusatsu Nao's Blog
December 2015
New site has been launched
Posted by Yusatsu Nao
Welcome, welcome guys to my official site. Thank you to you all for visiting my site here. In here you can get many things like a skins, icons, themes and etc. well, that is still in plan but, I will make everything that I can make. Not only that, I will post other things too so wait for it guys :)This site is running in a simple HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript. I make this site suit for computer users and mobile user. To make it easier to access this page, I create as simple as I can but looking good.
If you have something to ask in your mind, please tell it to me or contact me through my email, I'm also have LINE@ account you can message me through that account you can check it on about page. Also you can check my works on works page. And if you want play a game with me you can check my Game ID on About Page too.